Carpaccio of cabillaud

A starter full of flavour

You will need: (for 4 people)

  • 4 cod backs (about 350g each)
  • 2 teaspoons sesame oil
  • 3 tablespoons candied lemon and ginger vinegar
  • 1 lime
  • 2 passion fruits
  • Pepper

  1. Wrap the cod backs tightly before putting them in the freezer for a while to firm them up and make them easier to cut. (about 15 minutes)
  2. Cut the passion fruit in half and remove the pulp, then strain the juice into a bowl.
  3. In the same bowl, add the sesame oil and the candied lemon and ginger vinegar.
  4. Grate the lime to obtain the zest and add it to the preparation, add pepper and mix.
  5. Take the cod backs out of the freezer and cut them lengthwise into strips about 1.5cm wide, as thin as possible.
  6. Arrange the strips on plates ready to serve, and drizzle with citrus sauce, and serve immediately.
Tip: This recipe also works with combava and vanilla vinegar and mango and ginger vinegar.
You don’t have the candied lemon and ginger vinegar? Find it in our shop
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